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ROOM 209

CALL TO ORDER:  B. Boodry called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Members Present:  B. Boodry, S. Ward, S. Young, S. Howard, J. Simmons, R. Carley, B. Piepho,
B. Woerner, J. Ginnetty, and G. Petriccione.

Absent Member:  L. Leaden

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by S. Young, seconded by S. Ward,
to approve the minutes of May 3, 2011.  Motion was passed unanimously.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  George Walker, FOTL, Chuck Wood, Rich Loudenat, and Chuck Burnham from First Light Power Resources.

1.  Changes in Water Levels/Discussion with First Light & Power:  Chuck Wood, Rich
     Loudenat, and Chuck Burnham from First Light Power Resources were present for this
     discussion.  Items discussed were:  Shepaug Station having a major role on the Housatonic
     River, Shepaug Station has a wide operating range based on river conditions, Shepaug Station
     Operations defined by FERC, First Light plays a role in balancing lake level variations with
     other recreational values, FLPR’s other variables and considerations, and an update on other
     stakeholders issues.
    A copy of this presentation will be available on the Lake Lillinonah Authority’s website shortly.

2.  Spring Debris:  B. Boodry shared with the members his I-Phone video he took showing spring

3.  New Budget:  B. Boodry stated that felt there would be no increases in budget item amounts. He
     asked the members for their input.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that LLA is hiring a bookkeeper for the LLA bank account.  All treasurer files will be stored with the bookkeeper.  The treasurer will be responsible for signing checks and allocating funds.  After this transition takes place B. Boodry will set up
an audit.

VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  G. Petriccione stated that the new boat has been placed in the water this past month.  He also stated that there are a few details that need to be ironed out.  He will set up a scheduled maintenance after the boat’s break-in period.  G. Pettriccione reported that the Authority’s other two boats are doing well.  B. Boodry stated that the insurance policy is up for renewal and he is filling out the paperwork for a July 1st renewal date.  

Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting – Tuesday, June 7, 2011                       Page Two

S. Ward suggested inviting the Mayor of New Milford as well as First Selectman from Bridgewater, Roxbury, Southbury, Brookfield, and Newtown to tour the lake on the newly purchased boat.

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons reported on an incident that happened in New Milford involving a vehicle going through Addis Park and into the river.  J. Simmons encouraged all members to sign up for text messaging on the new website.  He also is working on including a sign up on the website for people to get on a correspondence list.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  No report was given.

1.  Zebra Mussel Update:  This agenda item was addressed during the discussion with First  
     Light Power Resources.  S. Ward shared with the Authority an informational fact sheet she
     composed that explains what Zebra Mussels are, where they come from, and how to properly
     clean your boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the launch site.  Informational sheets will
     be printed on coated card stock and distributed to town offices.  FOTL’s logo will be on the
     informational sheet as well.  S. Ward asked members to contact her with any input.

2.  Buoys – Repair & Installation:  S. Young stated that he met with Mike Peyton from DEP.  It
     was suggested to remove all anchors out of the water every year.  S. Young spoke with the buoy
     contractor and he suggested using a synthetic rope (Blue Steel) that floats; and is stronger than
     steel, which would then be connected to a 5 gallon pail of cement. S. Young will update
     the members at the next meeting.

S. Ward suggested placing a small stipend in the budget to compensate for all the extra work for the repair and installation of the buoys.

3.  USGS:  B. Boodry stated that he received an inquiry from USGS with regard to obtaining a copy
     of the Lake Lillinonah Authority’s bylaws.

4.  Treasurer Vacancy:  This agenda item was discussed in the Chairman’s report.

5.  Water Quality efforts for 2011:  There was no update on water quality.  This agenda item will
     be placed on next month’s agenda.

6.  FOTL Save the Lake Day:  “Save the Lake Day” is scheduled for Saturday, June 18, 2011.  All
     were encouraged to participate in this event.

7.  Vacancies:  B. Boodry reported the following vacancies:  Bridgewater-2, Brookfield-1,
     Newtown-1, Southbury-1, Roxbury-1. B. Boodry stated that if anyone is interested in becoming
     a member to attend one of the Lake Lillinonah Authority’s meetings.

OTHER ITEMS:  S. Young reported on the Boating & Safety report from K. Seeley for the month of April.

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by S. Young, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:35pm.